Knitting Again

Posts Tagged ‘Knitter

Life, so far, without the cast or boot on my leg/ankle, has been interesting. There is more pain than I thought there would be, even when I’m not moving. I guess my dreams of pain-free living so early in the healing process were a little unrealistic. Since doing anything in an upright position is uncomfortable, it’s been hard to exercise.  I’m doing some walking but I’d like to be able to do more.

I’m heading back to the gym tomorrow to get on one of the bikes.  That’s probably the easiest way for me to work-out right now.  Then, depending upon how it goes, I may  try the treadmill for a few minutes. Maybe the conveyor belt will give me a little help. It’s really important that I work through the pain. As frustrated as I am, I have to keep going.

Knitting Progress

As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve begun knitting the sweater sampler. My knitting time has been limited but I think I’ll be able to get it finished by the end of the month, even with all I have going on right now. I got a little sidetracked by the call to knit a pair of socks. I’ve been wanting to start another pair since binding-off Dayflower but hadn’t come to a firm decision on which pattern. The Smoldering Hearts sock pattern was very appealing but I Instead chose (Black)hearted.

As much I wanted to start the socks, things kept getting in the way. Then, while waiting to get my hair cut, I clumsily cast-on for the socks in the lobby of the hair salon.

Sure, casting-on is normally a simple and quick process for me but I cast-on using the cable-on. I’m still incredibly slow but I think the more I do it the faster I will become. How slow am I? I think I could cast-on using the long-tail cast-on in probably about a tenth of the time it took me. Am I a glutton for punishment? Why am I using the cable cast-on when the long-tail would have probably sufficed? I will never know when and where something will work well for me unless I give it a real chance. Giving it a real chance means trying it more than once.

As I sat in the salon, executing each stitch a snail’s pace, different people asked me what I was making. They were all shocked when I said socks. I had to explain to most of them that normally it wouldn’t take so long for me to get started but that new techniques had a learning curve. There is a distinct possibility that my knitting in public Friday scared a few people away from knitting rather than drew them towards it.

Ruffled Socks, With Hearts, in Red, Started on National Wear Red Day, A Day of Awareness for Heart Disease in Women

I’m hoping to finish the heel today. Depending upon the knitting time I get this week, maybe I’ll be able to cast-on the second sock by Wednesday. Once I finish this pair of socks, I will probably immediately cast-on another. I’m enjoying knitting again, especially socks. This could work well for me while my leg/ankle is healing since I wear socks every day. Once I’m back to my normal shoes, I may be knitting more socks than I’m going to need. I am, willing, however, to take that chance.

I took a look at Cat Bordhi’s video tutorial of Judy’s Magic Cast-on. As happy as I am with cuff-down socks, the next thing I want to try is the toe-up method for socks. I’d also like to experiment with different heels and toes. Sock knitting looks better and better to me.

General Health and Awareness

Friday was National Wear Red Day. Heart disease is still the number one killer of women.  I’m trying to eat better and exercise to prevent heart disease. I wear red each year, sometimes wearing the cute little dress pin, in support of the cause. The American Heart Association has events to help educate the population. The Go Red For Women Campaign, in particular, targets women as many still believe breast cancer is the number one killer of women. While we need to what we can to sustain good health, many people, for whatever reason, are still unaware of risk factors. Please take a peek to see what you can do for a healthier you.

Super Bowl XLV

Now it’s time to watch the Super Bowl. I’ll be cheering for the Steelers. I’m not a big enough fan to knit Pittsburgh Steelers‘ accessories for myself. Then again, that might be a fun way to do a little color work.

Go Steelers!

I cast-on Saturday for the Sweater Sampler. Originally I had planned to use a different yarn. When I later discovered I had enough of it to make a project in my queue, I decided to use a yarn for which no project is designated.** Although the yarn is categorized as worsted, I think it’s a lighter worsted.

I’m using a size 7 circular, 16″. I had to cast-on 80 stitches rather than 64 to be able to knit comfortably and for the stitches to actually meet. Fewer stitches than this and I would not have been able to knit circularly.

So far, it’s going well.

Time for Short-Rows

At this point of the project, I haven’t done anything new, but I’m still learning things. I’ve got several stitch patterns together with one another to look at how they behave and how/if my knitting changes when I form those stitches. Although I had tried the cable cast-on before, this time I actually kept at it until I got it right. It was slow-going but now I can really see if I like the way it looks.

Coming up next are short-rows. I’ve used short rows in socks, coasters, a hat, and in swatches but I still feel like I need a little more experience with them to know how to place them on an item that might not necessarily have them in the pattern. When this project is finished, I may play with a few short row swatches again, depending upon what I learn.

I’m looking forward to raised stripe. I’ve never learned to work that type of stripe. Since I also have limited color work experience, I’m hoping this project will also give me a little more comfort in that area as well.

I have the red yarn for my socks in my knitting bag but have not yet started them. I think today is the day. It’s looking a little dreary outside and I need to work with something in a cheerful color.

In health news, I am now cast-free AND boot-free! The doctor says my x-rays look good and that I am healing well. Now, I have to build back the strength and flexibility. Exercising will resume today. I’m thrilled!

Happy February! 

**The yarn was originally a yarn I considered using to knit a project for a friend with cancer. I decided it wasn’t as soft as I would want for him, going through chemo. It’s been waiting to be used for over 4 years.

The day started out early but was going well. Then, I overdid something and it seems I’ve pulled or strained a muscle or something, on the same side as my healing leg. Life is grand!

Still, I’ve managed to have a pretty good day.

I got all my gifts wrapped! Well, there are still a couple of gifts I need to buy. but I won’t see those people until after the new year.

On the knitting front, I still haven’t knit a stitch. I’ve been too busy trying to take care of other things. It’s quiet in the house now and this may actually be the perfect time to knit.

Soo…instead of clicking at the keyboard about how much I’d like to knit or how much I miss knitting, I think I’m actually going to go work on the sleeve to the sweater for my son.

Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas.

Mine has been really nice, even with the pain. We even got a little snow! If the leg and the back allow me, I’ll attempt to take a picture of the snow tomorrow!

Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noël! God Jul! Frohe Weihnachten! Buon Natale!

May 2024