Knitting Again

Merry Christmas!!!

Posted on: December 25, 2010

The day started out early but was going well. Then, I overdid something and it seems I’ve pulled or strained a muscle or something, on the same side as my healing leg. Life is grand!

Still, I’ve managed to have a pretty good day.

I got all my gifts wrapped! Well, there are still a couple of gifts I need to buy. but I won’t see those people until after the new year.

On the knitting front, I still haven’t knit a stitch. I’ve been too busy trying to take care of other things. It’s quiet in the house now and this may actually be the perfect time to knit.

Soo…instead of clicking at the keyboard about how much I’d like to knit or how much I miss knitting, I think I’m actually going to go work on the sleeve to the sweater for my son.

Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas.

Mine has been really nice, even with the pain. We even got a little snow! If the leg and the back allow me, I’ll attempt to take a picture of the snow tomorrow!

Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noël! God Jul! Frohe Weihnachten! Buon Natale!

3 Responses to "Merry Christmas!!!"

hope you’re up and about soon. Nothing like snow, though, to make snuggling down with knitting twice as much fun.

I hope you’re feeling better now! And that you found some time to knit.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. 🙂

Thank you for the encouragement! Hope things are progressing well with you.

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December 2010